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FOTW noch einfügen

  • HDP
  • MHP
  • Demokratik Toplum Kongresi
  • HDK
  • DHKP-C
  • IBDA-C
  • TKP/ML

noch suchen

in der Liste fehlende (Namensänderungen)

  1. MP (1983-1985): 106 a
  2. MMP (2010-2013): 291 a
  3. SCP (2021): 271 b
  4. Yeniden Genç Parti (?) : 335 a
  5. DEZA-PAR (?): 332 c
  6. TKP 1920 (2016): 280 a
  7. Büyük Turan Hareketi Partisi: 303 a
  8. Tek Parti: 316 a

falsche Namen

  1. Güven Parti: 282
  2. Dolunay Parti: 322

Auflösungsdatum grob falsch?

  1. Bizim Parti (2004-2014): 228


  • (B) Schick/Tonak (1987) Turkey in Transition.
  • (B) Rubin/Heper (2002) Political Parties in Turkey
  • Kaynar (2007) Cumhuriyet dönemi siyasi partileri, 1923-2006. Imge Kitapevi (Ankara).
  • Tunaya (1989) Türkiye'de Siyasi Partiler. Hürriyet Vakfi Yayinlari (Istanbul).
  • Zürcher, EJ (2004) Turkey: a modern history
  • Lipovsky, I (1991) The legal socialist parties of Turkey 1960-1980. In: Middle Eastern Studies vol. 27
  • Demirkol (2015) Party splits in Turkish party system: the case of the centre-right parties. In: Turkish Studies 16 (1): 97-114


  • Ülgenay, AH (2011) Türkiye cumhuriyeti'nde kurulan siyasi partiler kurucular ve amblemler 1923-1960. Sanat Kitabevi (Ankara).



  • Zürcher, EJ (1991) Political opposition in the early Turkish Republic - the Progressive Republican Party 1924-1925. E.J. Brill (Leiden/New York/Kobenhavn/Köln).
  • Heper/Landau (1991) Political parties and democracy in Turkey.


  • Ulus () The army and the radical left in Turkey
  • Wuthrich () National elections in Turkey
  • Sayari, S; Musil, PA; Demirkol, Ö (2018) Party politics in Turkey - a comparative perspective. Routledge (London/New York).
  • Armstrong (1937) Grey Wolf: Mustafa Kemal, an intimate study of a dictator.

neue Parteien + Namensänderungen

  1. MYP -> YTP
  1. Kızılelma Birliği Partisi (KBP)
  2. Milliyetçi Türkiye Partisi (MTP)
  3. Milli Beraberlik Partisi
  4. Milliyetçi Sol Parti (MİLLİ SOL)
  5. Merkez Sağ Parti
  6. Ulusun Partisi (UP)