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  1. Arnold, A (1983) Afghanistan's two-party communism: Parcham and Khalq. Stanford (Hoover Institution Press). ISBN 0-8179-7792-9. BSB Z 70.998-279 .
  2. Dupree, L (1979) Red flag over Hindu Kush: Part I: Leftist movementes in Afghanistan. in: American Universities Field Staff Reports no. 44.
  3. Dupree, L (1979) Red flag over Hindu Kush: Part II: The accidental coup, or Taraki in blunderland. in: American Universities Field Staff Reports no. 45.


  1. Dupree, L (1979) Afghanistan under the Khalq. in: Problems of Communism Jul/Aug 1979, pp. 34-50.
  2. Halliday, A (1978) The Revolution in Afghanistan. in: New Left Review 112, pp. 3-44.

Zeitschriften in der Afghan Serials Collection

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  1. Dupree, L ()
  2. Dupree, L ()
  3. Dupree, L ()

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  1. A bibliography of Afghanistan 6

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  1. Arunova, MR et al. (1981) Демократическая Республика Афганистана (Demokraticheskaya Respublika Afganistana). Moskau (Nauka).
  2. Attar, G (1978) Das Volk an der Macht. in: Antiimperialistisches Informationsbulletin 7/8, pp. 42-49.
  3. Ignatov, AV (1980) Революция, рожденная в апреле (Revolyutsiya, rozhdennaya v aprele). Politicheskaya literatura (Moskau).
  4. Smith, H et al. (eds.) (1973) Area handbook for Afghanistan (4th ed.). Government Printing Office (Washington).
  5. Zeary, SM (1979) Afghanistan: the beginning of a new era. in: World Marxist Review 22, no. 1, pp. 73-78.
  1.  !! Dupree, L (1971) A note on Afghanistan. in: American Universities Field Staff Reports 4, no. 2, Appendix A.
  2.  ! # Baryalai, AM (ed.) (1979) Democratic Republic of Afghanistan Annual. Government Printing House (Kabul).
  1. (1956) The Pushtunistan stunt. Government of Pakistan (Karachi).

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  1. Afghanistan Council Newsletter
  2. Afghanistan Newsletter


  1. (1980) The truth about Afghanistan: documents, facts, eyewitness reports. Novosti Press Ageny Publishing House (Moskau).


  1. Adamec, LW (1975) Historical and political Who's Who of Afghanistan. Graz (Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt). ISBN 3-201-00921-0. BSB 4 Orient. 5 w-1 .
  2. Adamec, LW (1979) Supplement to Who's Who of Afghanistan: the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Graz (Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt).
  3. Negaran, H (1979) The Afghan coup of April 1978: revolution and international security. in: Orbis 23, no. 1, pp. 93-113.
  4. Negaran, H (1979) Afghanistan: a marxist regime in a muslim society. in: Current History 76, pp. 172-174.
  5. New Times 1980
  6. Afghanistan Journal 1977-1979